
Only 2% of the raw material is needed to create 100% of the product from our foamed plastics. The remaining 98% is nothing more than ordinary air. The low raw material consumption shows how economical our products are.
Caring for the natural environment is a priority for HSV. Among other reasons, that's why the company deals with the processing of materials that are subject to 100% recycling.

Striking Eagle is the next step in reducing HSV's impact on the environment. Thanks to the use of Striking Eagle technology, we reduce CO2 emissions by shortening the distance to the customer.
Deliveries from Poland to the United Kingdom, 2 trucks per day.
Distance: 1750 km
0.137 kg CO2/km x 1750 km = 240 kg CO2 one delivery
220 days x 2 deliveries per day x 240 kg = 105.6 tons of CO2 per year!!!
and that's not even including the return transport of containers :)

Not enough?
Full online control of processes means reducing the costs of steam and energy consumption by at least 10%.

Still not enough?
Shortening the supply chain means reducing the amount of packaging needed.

100% recycling

processing of materials that are subject to 100% recycling

CO2 emissions reduction

technology reducing CO2 emissions by shortening the distance to the customer

10% cost reduction

online process control that reduces steam and energy consumption by at least 10%

Packaging reduction

shortening of the supply chain, which means reducing the required amount of packaging