Striking Eagle is the world's first fully automated production line for creating shapes from expanded polypropylene (EPP) foam. As a pioneering solution in the industry, it enables the production of shapes without human involvement. Thanks to the application of automated and robotic processes, we can deliver your products directly to your hands!

With industry 4.0 technology, the line is managed online with secure access to every stage of the process from anywhere in the world. By utilizing artificial intelligence - our neural networks monitor and correct the process in real-time. The control module allows for full oversight of up to 100% of production. Striking Eagle is a revolutionary solution in the EPP industry! Join the revolution!


Minimizing CO2 emissions and waste
The continuous emphasis on CO2 emission reduction and caring for the natural environment is an absolute requirement of our times. HSV decided to develop a technology that minimizes this impact. Did you know that in one MEGA-truck we transport about 2-3 tons of goods? Yes, this means we are practically transporting air.

Building the line close to the final recipient solves this problem and reduces the environmental impact to the necessary minimum. By minimizing the distance to the customer – we also reduce the amount of packaging in the logistics cycle. Thanks to the extensive Striking Eagle HSV network, we will also create our own material collection network for recycling – minimizing the costs of acquiring material for reprocessing.

Can you find a better EPP solution on the market?
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Production line tailored to your company's needs
The Striking Eagle line is fully scalable. We currently offer the line in three series: S, L, and XL. The size of the line is adjusted to the size of the injection molding machine. Thanks to its modular design, we can scale it up during the production stage.

Are you increasing your orders? No problem – we will build another Eagle at the existing location.

Are you concluding the project? We thank you for your trust – where should we relocate the Eagle?


Production continuity thanks to special systems
The Striking Eagle line features three built-in backup systems – all to ensure production and timely delivery of parts! The Battle Center team monitors production 24/7 and responds immediately to all events.

Thanks to an extensive network of HSV facilities, there is always the capability to continue the production of your parts!


Flexible adaptation to client requirements
Thanks to the fact that the Striking Eagle line is built on a "plug and play" system, we can design it in any way to meet every client requirement. Metal elements formed in EPP? No problem.

Installing inserts from plastics post-process – we add a module, and it's done! Different elements from the same mold – we add transport modules, and we have a ready solution with 100% certainty that you won't receive mixed parts!

Assembly of components? An additional module solves the problem!


Rapid response to changes
Delivering products that meet specifications is an obvious goal. Commonly used statistical control methods reduce the risk of claims but do not eliminate it.

Controlling 100% of production in any industry is a challenge.

Really? With Striking Eagle, you can define up to 100% control of your parts without affecting the line's capacity. Thanks to the Battle Center and process monitoring by engineers and AI, we respond the fastest in the industry to any process fluctuation.

Traceability – yes, Eagle can show you every production parameter with precision to each cycle!

Cpk - available online!

Can you find a better solution in the EPP market?


Guarantee of accuracy and quality of deliveries
Logistics account for an average of 20% of the costs in the production of foam-molded shapes like EPP or EPS. Optimal packaging and arrangement of shapes can provide colossal savings. Did you know that a 6-axis robot can pack elements as well or better than a human?

The correct number of pieces in a container is not a challenge for Striking Eagle.

Thanks to monitoring, you will not receive mixed parts in the delivery.

Yes - these are yet more advantages of this line!


Monitoring and automatic correction of processes
Striking Eagle would be just an advanced technological line if not for the heart of the system – the Battle Center. A group of process engineers and automation engineers monitors the process on our lines 24/7 and responds to the minutest data based on their knowledge, experience, and thanks to artificial intelligence modules that automatically adjust the process in every aspect.

Is the weight trending towards the upper tolerance? The next cycle will have adjusted parameters.

Is the raw material delivery at the lower tolerance? Did the water temperature drop by 5 degrees? Our neural networks work and adjust the process settings in real-time!

A bigger problem? Our engineer will be on site within 24 hours!


HSV plans to expand across Europe from 2024 to 2030!

Thanks to an extensive network of Eagles, regions without a good EPP supplier will become a thing of the past!

Starting with the construction of the first line in England, HSV will continue to build additional Striking Eagle lines especially in countries with a small number of experienced players in the EPP market, with difficult access to raw materials, and where labor costs are high.

Thanks to the expanded Striking Eagle network, HSV will also create its own material collection network for recycling – minimizing the costs of acquiring material for reprocessing.

WHy striking eagle?

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Striking Eagle - Nazwisko?
ikona - automatyzacja i robotyzacja
Automation and Robotization
  • Process repeatability 
  • High efficiency 
  • Possibility of operating 24/7
ikona - linia sterowania online
Line controlled ONLINE
  • Full process monitoring 24/7
  • Process stability and optimization of media consumption costs
  • 100% controlled parts
  • The same production conditions everywhere in the world
ikona - 3 systemy backupu
3 backup systems
  • The line has 3 emergency systems enabling production continuation
  • Standardization of modules – plug and play system
  • The extensive Striking Eagle network ensures flexibility and security of supply
ikona - modułowość systemu
System modularity
  • Customize the line to your needs
  • Easy module replacement in case of failure or changing requirements
  • Unlimited possibilities
ikona - sztuczna inteligencja
Artificial intelligence
  • The world's first database for EPP production collecting all process parameters
  • Neural network optimizing process parameters every cycle
  • Elimination of human errors
ikona - skalowalność
  • Up to 4 lines in the same location
  • Investment cost optimization 
  • Production cost optimization
ikona - elastyczność
  • Custom-built line for the client
  • Constructing the line at the client's factory
  • Line rental